How Much Time Does A Driver Need To Prepare For A New Race Track?

A new race track can be a venture into the unknown, but you can’t just show up unprepared and expect to be competitive.

Preparing for a new race track is essential for racers aiming to achieve their best performance. But how much time should they invest in preparation? 

Understanding the Significance of Track Preparation

Race car drivers face numerous challenges when competing on unfamiliar race tracks. These challenges include understanding the layout, studying corner characteristics, recognising elevation changes, and adapting to different surfaces.

Effective track preparation allows drivers to formulate a strategy and optimise their driving style to conquer these challenges. It involves studying track maps, analysing telemetry data, and investing time in a racing simulator to familiarise oneself with the circuit.

The Time Investment for Track Preparation

The amount of time required for track preparation can vary depending on several factors, such as the driver's experience, the complexity of the track, and the available resources.

However, it is generally recommended that drivers allocate a minimum of 4-6 hours for simulator practice before competing on a new racetrack.

This duration provides sufficient time to grasp the track's intricacies, develop effective racing lines, and fine-tune braking points and overtaking.

Focus Driver Performance's Recommended Strategy

Focus Driver Performance suggests a specific strategy based on our experience to maximise the effectiveness of track preparation. It involves splitting the recommended 4 hours of simulator time split across two 2-hour sessions.

The first 2-hour session allows drivers to familiarise themselves with the track layout, highlighting significant corners and distinctive features. During this initial session, drivers can work on establishing braking points, getting a feel for the track, and formulating an initial race strategy.

The second 2-hour session builds upon the foundation laid during the first session. Drivers can focus on optimising their performance, experimenting with different racing lines, refining lap times, and practising overtaking.

This session is an opportunity to fine-tune the driver's skills, enhancing their overall confidence and readiness for the upcoming race.

Benefits of Simulator Sessions

Simulator sessions offer several advantages for track preparation. Firstly, they provide a safe and controlled environment, eliminating the risks associated with damaging the race car while discovering the limits of the track.

Secondly, simulator sessions are cost-effective compared to on-track practice, making them an attractive option for teams operating within budget constraints. Lastly, drivers can gain valuable experience and familiarity with the track, allowing them to adapt more quickly during the actual race.


To excel on a new race track, race car drivers must invest sufficient time in preparation.

Have a chat with us today to find out about Focus Driver Performance’s simulator preparation programs for getting up to speed with a new race track.